Now I'm Famous, Briefly

A stranger was standing in front of our house, taking photographs. My husband, being of suspicious nature, first considered the shotgun. We live inside the city, but our lot is pretty much at the end of the world, and folks don't come snooping without a reason. However, since the stranger was a pleasant-looking lady, he decided to go out and speak to her. I wasn't at home at the time, and later Lou told me she liked our garden and wanted to talk to me. The outcome of all this is that we were awarded Yard of the Month in the Helena News!
I mentioned the coveted Yard of the Month award in a long ago post, An Award No Lizard Can Give. In my mind it's right up there with the Academy Awards, although there is no prestigious ceremony where I get to wear a low-cut gown, nor are there television reporters waiting for my important words, nor monetary gains of any sort. Still. There's a photograph and a nice little article in the local news, recognition of my garden and a brief moment of fame.
So I am feeling happy about my garden, despite the weeds that are taking full advantage of our early spring. Some flowers have been blooming since January and are still putting on a satisfying show.
First are daffodils, including the pink 'Salome':
Other daffodils were planted as part of a naturalizing mixture and are nameless, but still lovely:
Next are hellebores; no other flower lasts longer or ages more gracefully:
Camellias:The top photo is of an old camellia bush that was by our mailbox when we first moved here. We later transplanted it to its current location in the Front Garden. The second row shows a red camellia from that same shrub and a pink camellia which sprouted by the mailbox after we had transplanted the first one. I'm not sure how that happened. The third row is Camellia 'Taylor's Perfection' and the red 'Gunsmoke'.
Some blooms have appeared more recently:Clockwise from top left: Muscari, grape hyacinths; Trollius; Viburnum burkwoodii; Hepatica; Dogwood, just beginning to bloom; the wildflower Trillium; another wildflower - Butterweed, Packera glabella; Azalea, just beginning to bloom.
Early blooming forsythias were beautiful till heavy storms of the past few days stripped many of their flowers. These photos were taken about two weeks ago. There is a secret entrance to the Woodland Garden just to the left of the large forsythia that grows beside the drive. It is down a fairly steep hill, and I have put in a few flat rocks to serve as steps. Someday I hope to have some real stairs here. Look close in the second photo, and you can catch a glimpse of our Dinosaur Egg, perched on a wooden pedestal:
Mr. Rabbit guards the main entrance to the Woodland Garden, and one can see the groundcover indigofera beginning to leaf out next to him:
This shot is from the main entrance. It is comparable to the one I featured in my last post, similar view taken two years ago. The tree in the upper left with purple blooms is 'Jane' magnolia.
Here's another view seen from our driveway. The first photo is the side of a birdhouse, the second one is the front of the same birdhouse. Some bird builds a nest every year here, but I have never seen baby birds being raised in it.
This is the old birdhouse in the Woodland Garden. Moss is beginning to grow on its roof:
Speaking of moss, I love the look of this moss, growing in a field:
Finally, redbud trees are in full bloom:
Spring is here! I hope that wherever you are, whatever the season you are in, that you are safe and comfortable and able to enjoy nature's blessings. Deborah

Reader Comments (36)
Hooray for you!!! Your garden is so beautiful and so well tended by you, it should be in a magazine instead of just the local paper!
Congrats on your award! You could stroll through your garden in an evening gown to celebrate :)
Your flowers are very far ahead of ours, but it's so nice to see them. Forsythia is beginning to bloom here, but it'll be awhile for camellias.
Your special award is definitely gown-worthy. You must dress up in something low cut and go out and celebrate! None of your blog readers will be surprised, since we all ogle your garden in the wonderful pictures you post and have known for a long time it could win awards. But now your town knows!
Nice job, gardener!
Congratulations, Deb! Your garden is a vision of spring right now, and the award is much-deserved.
Yay, congratulations! Your beautiful garden deserves an award!!
Your butterweed looks just like our Bietou - Chrysanthemoides monilifera, has shiny black berries which the birds love.
Having learnt to love your virtual garden via your blog, it is high time the locals appreciated what they've got! Congratulations!
The kindness of strangers :) Congratulations on winning the award, very well deserved!!
Now, get a souvenir stall out for the busloads start rolling in!
Hey, Deb, congratulations. If the deciders didn't name your garden a winner, they'd have holes in their souls. What a spring you're having. Enjoy!
Congratulations Deborah, your garden certainly deserves the award, it always looks so lovely on your posts. You have so much out at the moment, all your flowers look really delightful!
Congratulations on your well-deserved award! Your garden looks lovely right now with everything just beginning to emerge and bloom. Spring!
Congratulations! Very well deserved recognition of a beautiful garden. You are still ahead my me bloom wise this year. My Muscari are just opening and there are a few crocus. I was looking at Viburnum burkwoodii just a few moments ago and the buds are just forming but a long way off from opening. I so love the views of your woodland garden, it always seems so restfull and tranquil and the new fresh greens add vibrancy. Chrisitna
Fabulous news! Congratulations! I suspect wellies and coveralls would probably be more appropriate than a low-cut gown, and heels, anyway ;)
Love the moss photograph, it's beautifully lit, and your daffodils look amazing. I can't wait for mine to fill in like that. They look better each year, but they're not quite that well naturalized yet.
Well I can see why you won the award and why she was taking pictures...just gorgeous...can't wait to see my blooms...
Congratulations on winning the award Deb, you deserve it for all your hard work!
(By the way, you were already world-famous ...)
If any garden was deserving of honors, it would have to be yours! Everything looks lovely - spring is truly just around the corner.
Not surprised at all that you won the award. Will you have lots of gawkers coming to see for themselves now? You could wear the low-cut gown to greet them :)
CONGRATS DEB! I can certainly see why you got "Yard of the Month."
Congratulations, Deb! There is nothing like a bit of acknowledgement from others to make us look at our garden with satisfied eyes - and i find sometimes all we see ourselves are the faults... I think you deserved the award! Jack
A well deserved award Deb!!!!! Congrats! You've done an amazing job!
I can easily see why people would stop and take photos. You have such a beautiful property. Congrats and I think your garden should make a magazine too. Do you think Spring is your favorite time of year? I always feel that way in forested garden like yours.
Your Camellias are awesome! Such beautiful colors. You garden is what those around you only strive for......
Still waiting for Spring to emerge in my gardens... sigh. Your Spring is simply divine!
Congrats Deb!! You so deserve this, your garden is so beautiful and inspires me here all the way in South Africa!!
Congratulations! How fun to get some recognition for all your hard work. Glad you husband didn't run her off with the shotgun! :)
How exciting! I want to read the article---where's the link? I can't believe that it's early March and you have redbuds, dogwoods, and magnolias blooming----quite lovely.
Congratulations! It was exciting to read this news, and I can only imagine what it must have felt like for you. The folks in your part of the world definitely know a beautiful property when they see it.
Even though we do all this gardening for ourselves, isn't it nice to be a little famous every now and then :)!
Oh-la-la! I am happy for you, Deb! It's an honor! Congratulations! Now, there will be more people with cameras around! I am amazed how many blooming beauties you have already! Wonderful!
Congratulations! It is always nice when other appreciate your hard work. After viewing your post with all of the wonderful photos of your garden, I can certainly see why you received such a lovely award. You deserve it!
Yay!! What a wonderful honor. And well deserved! Your garden is beautiful!
Hi Deborah! Congrats for your award, totally deserved I'd say!
Love your narcissus and the wide sight on the woodland!
Congratulations! You have such a beautiful garden. The award and honour is well deserved.
But we all know you as OUR garden celebrity anyway! Love the photos and the little white birdhouse is wonderful. I may have to email that picture to my husband...
I'm amazed how many things are in bloom for you. I'm about a month behind in Seattle. I must see what progress the trilliums are making though. We discovered some growing wild. I was so excited - until my husband pointed out that considering the cost of the property they are probably the most expensive trilliums in existence. Hmmm,
Deb, that award is well deserved, congrats! As usual, your garden is so lovely in spring. But then again, it's lovely year round!