The Romance of Possibility

In his garden every man may be his own artist without apology or explanation. Here is one spot where each may experience the "romance of possibility." Louise Beebe Wilder
My body is not so young any more, but when I walk outside and breathe in the fresh spring air and let my eyes wander across the garden, my mind rolls with possibilities. It is a new beginning, and it doesn't matter that a rabbit ate all the pansies in the lady garden last fall or that I have two dead dogwood trees in the woodlands. I am dreaming of new projects, some immediate and some far into the future, wishes only, but who knows what can happen with time and effort and an unexpected influx of cash!
I am fortunate to have lived in the same place for over a quarter of a century. I have worked my land less than it has worked me, but while a lot of changes are inside the psyche of who I am, the garden is visible to the world. Old dreams fulfilled. The garden still has plenty of wild, rough edges, but there is so much potential!
From the patio, here is today's view across the front garden:
Another part of the front garden near the patio:
If one stands on the road and looks into the main part of the front garden, one has a good view of some of the Japanese maples:
It's hard to get myself inside the house, when the world is so wondrous outside. Is that a good enough excuse for not doing housework?
While most of the daffodils finished blooming a few weeks ago, a few late comers are flowering here and there. I can't tell you the names of any of my daffodils! The daffodil in the top photo was here when we moved in. It is lovely but the stems can't hold its floppy head up. I purchased all the others as part of a group for naturalizing, and they were not individually identified:
There are lots of other flowers blooming:Top: A species tulip, the only survivor of several dozen I planted years ago. It blooms reliably every spring; Snowflake, Lucojum vernum. 2nd row: Rosa mutabilis; Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin'. 3nd row: Loropetalum; Viburnum burkwoodii. 4th row:Grape hyacinth and woodland phlox; Flowering quince.
And spring couldn't be spring without the birds and the bees. Isn't that what it's all about?
Lots of people comment on how beautiful the garden is, but, of course, they see only the results. They don't see all the dead stuff. I hope that when people get to know me, they see something lovely, too, not the rotten junk that happened along the way. I want people to see the good results and know that, if they notice some rough edges, there are still lots of possibilities. No matter how old I am!
Happy Spring! Deborah

Reader Comments (29)
Your garden is breathtaking. If it is mine, I don't think I want to change anything. Rabbits are welcomed. The birds and bees are a delight. I love your trees and shrubs too. They are already colorful even without the flowers.
Everything looks beautiful from here. I relate to your philosophy.
I no longer worry about what could have been or should have been. I garden in the now.
The garden of possibilities is actually a garden resulting from a labor of love and it is so beautiful. ....
Oh to have your views from the patio. And to have your spring climate (I don't want your summers, though, just your beautiful daffodil-blooming, elegant, shimmery early spring). Your blog readers and your garden visitors don't see the dead or ruined stuff you see. We just see a seductively beautiful woodland garden. Nice work over 25 years I must say.
Your garden is breathtakingly beautiful. And so much colour. Even your birds are colourful.
Hi Deb,
Why, yes I will move to your home thankyouverymuch!
It looks wonderful and yes I do think it's an excellent reason not to do any housework, after all what are husbands/children for?!
I heard my first lawn mower today and soaked up the smell of fresh cut grass. It's officially Summer here now. We've skipped Spring :) It's been rathr warm here, and in the sun I'd say it was definitely reaching 20oC (68F), perhaps higher.
Your garden is gorgeous. Such a stark contrast to here in Spring. Your blooms and birds are delightful and I am so glad to not have missed this post. I have yet to spy a bluebird here. I agree, I too would be outside with all that beauty blooming. Inside housework can wait. I am sure a few rainy days will be your way, then housework won't seem to intrude.
The garden is lovely and a great treat to these eyes which are tired from a long winter. Spring is yet to burst forth in glory. Just little snips here and there.
Oh Deb, your garden is so fabulous! I could just sit and spend the entire day admiring it! Lots of hard work and sweat equity is very evident. I really like all your choices of plants & blooms. And the birds and bees...great photographs!
You have done an excellent job in all those years.
I never tire of reading your blog. Such insight and advice is hard to come by these days. Spring kinda jumped out at us this year huh? Was so glad to see it arrive. Your pictures are beautiful. Blessings!
Your spring garden is just lovely!!! Housework? What housework? There's a beautiful garden out there -- I'd be in it, too!!
Beautiful post and beautiful garden. Your spring garden is looking wonderful! I love your shot of the Bluebird.
You asked about deer ~ they haven't been too much of a problem, must be because we're surrounded by hundreds of acres of undeveloped floodplain, and then pastures and farmland. Hunters too.
I hear you, Deb, regarding not being as young as you used to be. Still, our minds conjure up new projects. You have created such beautiful surroundings to enjoy, work in, and wander through. I'm enjoying spring through your photos right now. My gardens are covered by a newly fallen inch of snow.
Forget the housework, Deb, at least till autumn! There are so many beautiful things in your garden. You should be proud of it (I know you are!).
Hi Deb. I'm Linda from Arkansas and just found your blog. I was intererested in it at first because you are a southern gardener. I'm blessed to have a job that I can spend some of my time looking at blogs and must admit I may have spent a little to much time looking at yours. I'm a huge tree lover and have so enjoyed looking through your gardens. I've read most of your blog actually and it's strange how you can feel llike you know a person just from reading about one's garden. I felt the pain as you talked about the tornado and felt joy when you talked about your weeping cherry and your victory over cancer. What I can really relate to is the "steam, sex, sauna" post about our hot summers! lol Thanks for sharing your lovely garden with us and for all the wonderful ideas and plants that we can use in our own gardens! I'll continue to enjoy your blog, just maybe not to the extend I have the last few days. Don't tell my boss!
wow. wow. Your's is one of my favorite gardens to virtually walk around in! I hear you too on the planning that goes on in your head during springtime. I have projects for garden and home bouncing around in my head that might not get done before I die.
Spring has really sprung where you are. I can't even believe that lovely back lit double white flower is a daffodil. It doesn't seem fair that plants get to start over every year, and we just age onward.
Your garden looks beautiful! I can't believe how much you've got blooming. I noticed all the bumblebees buzzing around here the last few days, it does feel like spring has officially arrived once they are out and about again.
Dear Deb, I love how you juxtapose the garden and psyche . . . the inner and outer realms of our being. The garden being an extension . . . a safe place to create. So much more too, as your sweet photos of the birds and bees show. Your garden is a stunning work of art . . . from the lovely landscapes to the beautiful details . . . a giving tapestry of colors and textures delicately balanced with nature. I am sure of the joy your garden gives you and all who pass it by. Hire someone to do the housework, when you can be out in your garden! Good luck with your possibilities and dreams. Wonderful post!
Hi Deb, Possibilities are what keeps us dreaming and being creative. Your spring garden looks so very lovely. If I were there, I would want to be outside too, not inside doing housework.
Deb, it's not a case as the body not being so young, as it maturing like a fine wine or, in my case, like a mouldy old cheese!
Happy Spring Deb!! What a wonderous sight! Oh how I wish I was there on the patio with you, neglecting housework and just taking it all in! One day for sure! Believe me when I say I know about the rough edges around the garden and body!!! I hear ya!! You've done a wonderful job. Be proud!
Love the quote!
Look where your dreams have got you and your garden so far ... it's such a terrific statement about your vision and drive. Your garden is simply breathtaking to me, and I"m sure to most, but gardeners will know the amount of hard work that has gone into it. I think gardens and ourselves are always a 'work in progress' and the possibilities are what keeps us striving to make both a better place to be. Stunning photos and, as always, such a pleasure to view.
If I had those views from my patio, I don't believe I would *ever* go indoors!
Your garden is mind blowingly beautiful! But I really love how reflective this post is. One of my favorite sayings is "There's only one road to now." If we take out all the rotten junk, we wouldn't be where we are now. If I could go back to erase all the parts of my life I don't like, I'd have to give up the lessons I learned along the way, too. Our gardens are a reflection of us. And there's a lot more beauty in yours than junk!!! :o)
Wonderful looking garden Debs, and fantastic photos of blooms and birds too! Every garden has got their 'scruffy' parts too, and seldom are they photographed but the ones you have shown are superb. And that's what it's all about most of the time, capturing what is currently beautiful :)
How strange. I thought I had commented on this post. Anyway, I just wanted to say that you have a fantastic looking garden. So amazing! I love how lush and full of plants your garden looks.
Your garden is so colourful at this time of year. Forget the housework, that's always there waiting for you. Enjoy this wonderful moment that is spring. Every day I watch as the buds get first fatter, then thin out to colour on my Wisteria, though it seems the birds have discovered them too and find it fun to pick them off.