A Crime Scene on a Beautiful Day

Recently, Garden, the cat who does not belong to me, and I were walking near the lady garden when we came across a crime scene.
That's gross!
Garden couldn't stand it and covered her eyes.
Warning: the following image is graphic, so if you have a weak stomach, you better not look, either.The bloody guts, upon investigation, was actually red and white sap coming from a stump. Lou had cut down a tree. I have never seen a bleeding tree before, but I think this one qualifies!
Garden and I went looking for more pleasant things, and we saw this vignette in the lady garden:
We saw summer snowflakes, leucojum aestivan:
And many other lovely flowers:
Here's my watering can:
In the front garden we admired the weeping cherry tree:
We saw the Jane magnolia overlooking the woodland garden:
Then we entered the woodlands and got another perspective on the Jane magnolia:
Morning light shown across some spirea shrubs:
Gauzy spiderwebs hung like hammocks among the branches:
We stopped to look at some variegated ivy:
A treat for the eyes, blooming redbud trees were sweet as puffs of cotton candy:
Finally, on our way out of the woodlands, Garden stopped to speak to the rabbit:
We enjoyed our walk. The air was refreshing and the sights were beautiful, except for the crime scene. It was a day too fine for murder, and I told Lou he shouldn't have cut down that tree. A tree that bleeds will probably come back to haunt you.
Happy Spring!
Reader Comments (29)
Beautiful vignettes! Thanks for taking us along on your walk! I love that magnolia, the urn, the benches, and the bunny that keeps popping up in the photos. You have an amazing garden!
great looking plants, deb. the "bleeding" tree is very interesting! i have never seen that before either!
Deborah what an enchanting visit to that garden - I am eating my dinner as I read this so the pic of the tree was abit of a shock - I have never in my life seen the likes of that before!
Such beautiful blooms especially those daffodils en masse.
I've never seen a tree hemorrhage that badly before. I love all your photos of spring blooming plants. Your watering can looks very at home among the daffodils. A lovely walk!
Great tour. I love the rabbit. jim
I like how your blooming tree photos are part of a larger backdrop of trunks and forest trees, not just a blooming tree by itself. The compositions are so nice. Love the spiderweb hammock!
Dear Deborah, I am pleased that you had prepared me for the gore of the crime scene. It could have been straight from the pages of Michael Connelly if not for the charming Spring Walk which followed. Your woodland areas are looking particularly magical with the first flush of new growth and blossom, especially so in that early morning light. The cat is adorable and clearly loves being with you in the garden. What a charming companion!!
I agree, that tree will get retribution one way or another ;-) The signs of spring that you saw on your walk are truly beautiful. I love the 'Jane' Magnolia tree - so pretty in pink.
Lovely photos, nice to see all the blooming trees. That sap is amazing, grouse but amazing none the less!
There's some allegory here about sap rising and all that, but it escapes me. We had a more grisly scene this morning as there was a dead raccoon at the end of the driveway. I didn't make pics.
Your spring photos are lovely.
That cat is adorable. I have a cat "simon" who doesn't belong to me either, but hangs out in the yards and gardens of the 4-5 houses around me. He comes inside uninvited if you don't watch him too. I have come home from food shopping before to find not my cat, but Simon greeting me at the door. And my cat is totally indifferent, since Simon has been doing this since she was a tiny kitten.
Your garden is beautiful. I love the photo with your cat and the bunny statue. It looks they are having a standoff!
What kind of tree was that? I've never seen anything like that.
Never seen anything like it ... a tree that bleeds! I feel rather sorry for the poor thing. Lovely photos ... particularly loved the shot of those beautiful blooming redbud trees and that woodlands photo. So much is springing back to life.
A bleeding tree - never seen or heard of this before. What type of tree was it? I'm glad you went on to some beauty after the crime scene. Your redbuds are gorgeous - always wanted one but don't have room in my "concrete jungle" I call my back yard. Happy Easter
You had me going there for a moment Deborah - I was bracing myself for some poor dismembered animal!
Oh, but I do love 'Garden', the daffs and the spider's hammocks - not to mention everything else in your wonderful garden!
I enjoyed my walk with you and Garden as well. Glad the guts was only sap and not bad stuff. Can't have those kind of crime scenes this morning. Love the woodland garden. My garden is a few weeks behind yours but I hope it catches up soon! Have a Happy Easter!
Beautiful photos of a beautiful garden. Like the cat too. I suppose the tree must have been cut too late in the spring, the sap was rising. We had something similar when we cut back our grapes too late due to storm damage one year . It bled for ages and we worried. But it all turned out fine.
I enjoyed that walk through the garden with Garden and you as tour guides. The redbuds are indeed as lovely as "puffs of cotton candy," and the rest of your garden was beautiful to behold. I especially liked the vignette with the watering can, so prosaic and yet so light and serene. :) Your bunny looks ready for Easter. Have a great one!
Your garden is greening up nicely. I like the spider web against the sun rays shot. You have a photographers eye. Happy Easter.
Adorble kitty and what a nice idea for a post. Very enjoyable
Deb - what a tranquil post (...of course other than the 'crime scene photo'). I live vicariously through you on the woodland path -- it has a 'Walden's Pond' of the woods feel to it. LOVE your photos - they capture the essence of your world.
It's so joyous to watch spring unfurling across the hemisphere, isn't it? The redbud is splendid, though I'm sorry poor Garden was so horrified at the sight of the murdered-tree. (and you too). Happy spring, Deb. We've finally made it through.
I'm loving all the trees in your back yard!
WHAT Gorgeous photos of your garden! ... and Garden!!! ( the cat). You are so lucky to have such a sweet friend. Your flowering trees are so enchanting and I love your rabbit sculpture -- he's adorable! Happy Spring to YOU!
Very lovely and inspiring spring photos...with the exception of the tree bleeding. I've never seen anything like it. As it does not resemble sap of any tree I've ever seen, is that what tree "vomit" would look like?
Christine in Alaska
Lovely shots Deb. Garden is gorgeous. Stilton says he thinks she is rather beautiful too!
Happy Easter,
RO xxx
Some of these scenes look very much like my own gardens Deborah...except for the "bloody mess!!!" hahaha! I love Garden, she is so sweet to that bunny rabbit!!!
The photo of the bleeding tree is fascinating and sad all at the same time. On the one hand, it looks painful; on the other, I knew trees release sap when they're cut, but this looks like Hannibal Lecter quality!