Piedmont Park, an Urban Oasis

Come with me to explore a park with a lovely lake:
With ducks:
And interesting trees:
Places for picnics:
Where is this? It's the perfect place for an afternoon stroll or to while away an hour sitting under a tree with a book. It's a peaceful place, and you might be surprised that it is in downtown Atlanta with high rise apartments and office buildings a short walk away.
This is Piedmont Park. Earlier this week Lou and I visited our son in Atlanta, Georgia, and after lunch we went for a walk in this great urban park a few minutes from his house in Atlanta's Midtown. The 189 acre historic park has been around since the 1880s, and it was the site of the 1895 World's Fair. It has a track, a sports field, a pool, and even a dog park. I was reminded of how green spaces improve the quality of our lives and promote our well being. Its Lake Clara Meer is an oasis from the busy city that wraps around the park, and we enjoyed our leisurely walk.
It was a pleasant day. I hope you enjoyed it,too!

Reader Comments (10)
Amazing... the first photos looked like somewhere in the countryside, until you revealed its location in downtown Atlanta! Green leafy treed areas and water in our cities are vital. Central Park in NY is one of the best things about New York.
He-who-mows and I were just reminiscing about Lake Clara Meer the other night. It has greatly changed in the past fifty years. The lake banks where there are plantings now used to have grass and swings where we sat looking out at the lake, ever so long ago. The city skyline has changed greatly. I don't think it was even visible back then. Even the ducks have changed; they used to be white. The last time we were in Piedmont Park was to wait for our son to finish Peachtree Road Race, maybe 1983. It is nice to see that the green space is still intact. Thank you for sharing these photos.
I lived in Atlanta for several years, and I always called it a "green city" (nothing to do with the environment, just the greenness). Like most southern cities, Atlanta is resplendent with grass and trees, not just concrete and steel. A beautiful place, with many beautiful green spaces. (Could do with better traffic and less crime, though.)
Oh Deb, I use to walk in that park! Lived right across from it back in the early 70's! So long ago I hardly recall it ... but thanks so for sharing and stirring memories. Lovely walk... love the trees. There were concerts there back them ... sure there still are. ;>)
So it's Atlanta's version of Central Park! How nice that they dedicate prime real estate to park space. Columbus will have our own small version soon. They tore down a downtown mall, and vow to replace it with greenspace.
What a beautiful park, I really like the gazebo just "floating" in the water.
Ducks and geese are the best part of visiting any lake I think. I grew up on a lake and there were resident mallards and Canada Geese there. It was always fun to watch them.
Those are absolutely beautiful photos of the park. What I find interesting is the fact that it sort of looks like a soothing countryside. I will visit in the summertime with my family. Thanks for the photos.
A beautiful stroll in the park Deb. I didn't realize it had been the site for 1895 World's Fair.
Deb, you've made me a wee bit homesick now. I used to live in Midtown, too, within walking distance of Piedmont Park, and I miss my urban home sometimes, even though this semi-rural setting where I live now has its consolations.
What lovely photos you've taken of it all, including some of the skyscrapers whose tips I used to see from my kitchen window. :)