A New Season is Coming

On this day in late February, the air is cold, but the sun is shining and the birds sing. Winter's edge is slipping, pulling away from the land.
I walked in my garden and saw old things passing.
I saw new things growing.
And I saw colors emerging to push the drab away.
And beautiful flowers already blooming. The hellebores, heralds of spring, are here.
Winter is going and a new season is coming. And if you are in a place where the world is yet frozen, I hope the heralds of your spring will be coming soon to you.
colors of spring,
heralds of spring in

Reader Comments (24)
Oh Deborah, those Hellebores are just devine! I'm hoping to get a few going for next season here and would enjoy any growing tips you might have to share at a later date :)
Lovely to see images of your garden waking up for spring!
Beautiful pictures and colors in your garden!
I still don’t have any flowers, but hope to see some in next few weeks.
Beautiful photos!
How beautiful Deborah! The light and colors are so inspiring, as I look out on snow showers. Enjoy your spring! Great photos! ;>)
Beautiful pics to brighten my day! Spring is popping out here in GA as well. I am sooooo ready for it to finally get here and to stay instead of toying with us for a nice day here and there....
We had a wonderful spring-like day yesterday...but now it seems winter is back for one last hurrah. However, only three more weeks until spring! Your daffodils look like they're ready to explode, and your hellebores are simply stunning!
Such a beautiful -eye candy!! Brilliant!
It looks glorious there! Spring will be creeping north up our way. Thanks for letting us share a glimpse of your lovely gardens.
Lovely! That hellebore collage is fantastic. It's so cold tonight -- but still, the signs of spring's arrival are all around us, for those of us constantly on the watch, like me. :)
I'm afraid my heralds are months away. Except for the pussy willows. We will always have those, I suppose. Lovely, lush pics of your spring. Thanks!
Christine in Alaska
Your pics are wonderful and I am drooling. We are in the part of the world that is still frozen and am trying to patiently wait for spring to arrive. However, it is hard. Thank you for putting a smile on my face.
Hi Deb~~ You're so right. Spring has definitely sprung in my neck of the woods. Such a welcome segue into outdoor pursuits. Nice photos!!!
Great post-cheering photos and cheering message.
Just what I needed this evening!
Best Wishes
Deborah, thank you for sharing your heralds of spring. That has to keep me going, the last few weeks take forever!!!
Deborah, what beautiful pictures and what a positive, cheerful feel to your post. It makes me excited for spring even though we still have snow that is starting to melt, then freezes overnight. But soon that will change. Those hellebores are such a pretty color of pink. Thank you for your comments on my blog. It has been fun to the Making of a Garden posts. Gloria
I'm so glad to see all these blooms and signs of new growth, Deborah. I know spring will eventually find us here in eastern Canada too. Eventually. Eventually.
Thank you Deb...I can now see my gardens, at least some areas where the snow isn't still piled high from shoveling. I can't wait to see some blooms. Your hellebores just made my day. Jan
Hi Deborah
Sorry its taken me so long to get over here but what a wonderous sight to cheer me on a Monday morning when I saw your beautiful photographs.
Rosie (from the land of the frozen!)
beautiful photos! love the one with the daffs in bud and the Japanese maple leaves!!!!
we still have snow on the ground but.... I'm hopeful!
Such lovely sentiments for us shivering up here in the cold. Your signs of spring are most lovely and help to warm me on this gray day. Those daffodils are awesome!
Too funny on your dog! She must be MOST smart!
Lovely uplifting photos, come on the spring!
Here's what I came to see. I love your signs of spring, and those hellebores are awesome!
Wonderful post... Very informational and educational as usual!
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