A rare sight

For those of you who are buried under snow so deep you can't find your car, please forgive me. This is a snow post, my chance to wax poetic about the frosty landscape outside my door. Forget camellias, daffodils, hellebores, and other harbingers of spring. We have snow! Winter does exist in Alabama, and rare proof fell from the sky for several hours today. Just a reminder that the land does not belong to spring. Yet.
I have seen two great snowfalls in my lifetime. Once in 1963 and again in 1993. Today didn't compare. I think we got about two inches. The roads were warm enough that it didn't stick to them, which is good, but the snow rapidly adhered to grass, shrubs, and tree branches. So here are my winter wonderland photos, and if you are from some place like Canada, Alaska, or Washington DC, you may look the other way.the parking court in front of house
a view across the front lawn
a view of the front garden
another view of the front garden
the driveway
a view of the woodland gardenwoodland rabbit
evergreen trees
a frosty birdhouse
Red berries still cling to dogwood by the patio.
small pine tree frosted with snow
wind-chime in the lady garden
holly and camellia in the snow
path in the snowy woodsNow, time for some hot chocolate! Everybody stay warm.

Reader Comments (21)
Cold, cold, cold.
But absolutely beautiful.
Deb, I'm from Maine, a place that ought to look like this in winter, but we haven't had snow in almost a month. I'm frankly envious! -Jean
Well I really enjoyed your photos ... beautiful scenes! But that's from someone who doesn't ever see snow where she lives ... so I can wax lyrical about the beauty in this landscape ... great photos.
Deborah-- your photos are lovely! I love a light frosting and you've captured it so nicely. I got married the weekend of your 1993 snow - I'll never forget that one. Come on over if you want to see the results of our massive snow dump here in Philadelphia...it will be a long time before we see the ground again. Kelly
Deb~~ The last photo with the barn reminds me of a Christmas card. All your photos are just beautiful. Garden blogger buddy Darla in Florida was thinking she might snow too, a winter for the books. Stay warm.
WE just had about 8 inches of snow and it was so pretty that it almost made me forget how much I long for springtime. I ;am in upstate NY so we see plenty of snow all winter long. We haven't had many big ones this year, just a lot of 2 to 4 inch snowfalls. There is nothing quite like a really good snowstorm. The world is quiet and clean. I enjoyed your photos.
Gorgeous! It missed us in the north part of Alabama but snow is predicted for Sunday. I'm glad you guys farther south got to enjoy it! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your garden in the spring and summer.
It really is quite beautiful to look at in the pictures. Don't see much snow around these parts but this crazy winter it wouldn't surprise me if it did.
Although we have had 5 days continuous snow falls, I still like your pictures very much. Do enjoy snow before it melts!
We finally today have sun shining, after I don’t know how many days of cloudy skies...
Stay warm.
Even without flowers, the sight is still beautiful..... ~bangchik
Dear Deborah, Your pictures are magical. Whilst I appreciate for some there may have been a little too much snow, this landscape looks irresistible. I do love the signs of new growth pushing through but do feel somewhat sad for all of the wildlife which struggles in these kinds of conditions.
I just found your blog and have wandered through your posts, enjoying them all. Your gardens are lovely and I like the way you write. I'll check back for more. Like the commenter from Maine, I'm a New Englander and you have as much snow as we do... and yours is prettier!
This is exactly how I want it to snow at Kilbourne Grove! So pretty, just like a Christmas card. I just get the big dumps, that break the branches on the boxwoods!
Deb ... these are lovely snowy landscapes ... I love the one with what I thought was a real rabbit... though I do not care for real rabbits! The white dustings on the shrubs and trees is very beautiful. Enjoy! ;>)
beautiful amazing photos, it must be nice to see a winter wonderland like this....i'm soo happy to see this and not freeze my butt off in front of the computer screen while i'm eating my breakfast papaya.
Brrrr - you're making me cold with all of your snow pics!
It does look beautiful there! It's so much more fun to enjoy when it's not something you see all winter. If we ever get any snow this winter I'll be taking lots of pictures too.
Beautiful pictures Deborah!
As I'm from somewhere where we very rarely get snow (it may happen once every six or seven years and is certainly not the stuff that settles) I have very much enjoyed looking at your picturesque scenes :)
The garden looks so beautiful here, it truly is a winter wonder land. I love how the snow clings to the trees and plants and really makes the photos pop out. :)
I'll wager if you had to deal with snow day after day, all winter, every year, you would not be nearly as enamored of it! Yes, it's pretty, but it's cold, wet and miserable to me! We've been buried for weeks, and more on it's way tonight. Argh! LOL
It's completely understandable why you were enamored with it. One, it makes for lovely photos, doesn't it?! Second, it's just plain fun, and a novelty, if it's not a common occurance. Even here in VA, where snow is 'typical' in the winters, our recent 'blast' was most exciting...almost 3 feet in areas. School was off for 10 days...the kids just went back this week! Now, it's looking really dirty and just plain yucky. I grew up in PA, then NY, high school in Maine, and OH for quite a while, and grad school...then lived in Germany...so snow is something I'm very used to. But I like WHITE snow, for skiing...not this messy, dirty stuff;-) Ah, it'll be wonderful to have spring so we can just all gloat over our gardens and forget this white stuff. But I see why you'd be excited and how beautiful it does (did) look!