A Christmas wish

I have a handful of December images for you:
Cows in a pasture
This photo was taken at my friend Janis's home, near Etowah, Tennessee.Berries in the trees
All of the dogwood leaves are gone now, leaving branches laden with berries.
The berries provide sustenance for today's birds, and offer promise for tomorrow's forests.
Fire in my fireplace
Today was rainy and cold. Lou got up early and built our first fire of the season in the living room fireplace.
Flowers to please
Raindrops rest on a rose, not yet bitten by winter frost.
Today I bought poinsettias for Christmas.
My Christmas wish is this:
May your lives to be blessed with love and the fellowship of good friends, sustenance for today and hope for tomorrow, the warmth of a comfortable home, and the real riches of this special season.
Reader Comments (9)
Deb ! What a pretty blog yo have here : ) I love the pictures .. especially the fireplace and poinsettia : ) Do you wonder if the cows are cold and should some body knit some scarves for them ? LOL
A wonderful Christmas wish for us all .. thank you !
Deb, lovely photos, and that rose is stunning !
Joy and Diana, thanks for stopping by. I think those cows would look very nice with knitted scarves - maybe red and green for the season. I appreciate your kind comments.
Your photo's as always are exceptional. I can sit in front of my a/c vent here and look at the fire crackling. I found a picture for Lou as to his hedge trimming.
The last picture of the shrubs at Cothay Manor.
Deborah, you are not going to believe this, but I have a friend Janus, (both unusual spellings) who also has a farm with white cows, I believe they are Charlois
Beautiful December pictures. I love the berries on the Dogwood, ours never produces them.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas too!
Lovely photos! I especially enjoyed the fireplace fire -- looks so nice and warm. Your garden is wonderful and you take beautiful artisticly composed photos-- I read with interest your previous post about pruning. Thanks for all the great reminders and tips -- I'll need to get cracking in the spring.
Hello Deb,
I think the berries are my favorite. There is just something about their stark beauty in the winter that I just love.
Great pictures! Berries are wonderful!