a walk in my garden

Tropical storm Ida dumped heavy rain for two days earlier this week, but fortunately there were no strong winds here in Helena. The last two days have been clear blue, gilt with the colors of fall. Yesterday I was working inside all day, but today I was able to spend some time outdoors, and this is what I saw:This dogwood tree is splendid with berries.
Golden leaves still cling to a Japanese maple on the edge of the front garden.
Native nandina are bright with berries.
The Japanese maple 'Waterfall' glows in the woodland garden.
Leaf litter on the moss path reminds me of confetti.
Red dogwood berries are bright against a golden ground cover.
This variegated hydrangea is beautiful, even when it is not blooming.So, those are a few of the sights I saw on my walk today. Thanks for taking that walk with me. I hope that wherever you are, you can refresh your spirit by spending time in a garden.

Reader Comments (6)
Hi Deborah, Your garden is looking beautiful. I bought a japanese maple "Waterfall" this summer. How long have you had yours? Do you find it very slow growing?
Is your dogwood a kousa or a florida? I couldn't tell what the seed pods looked like. Obviously I am at the point where I need glasses.
I planted the "Waterfall' Japanese maple in early spring, 2007. It marks the grave of a beloved black lab named Jasmine. I thought the weeping form to be appropriate. It is slow growing, about six inches a year so far, but all these dissectum forms of Japanese maples seem to grow slowly. The dogwood is a florida. We have many of them in the woods around us. Some are very old. This one sprouted in 1986, the year after we moved here.
Wow, your garden has some very beautiful trees. I love watching the red and gold leaves that seem to envelop the whole tree. The berries make it even more breathtaking. Your pictures are great too.
The picture of garden on your blog looks wonderful. I would have loved to walk there, and see all the gorgeous flowers! Thanks for sharing, and have a nice weekend.
Beautiful photos! Definitely a feast for tired, overworked eyes!
What a lovely blog. Super photos. Found you through Blotanical - will be back.