fall colors in my garden

I am basking in the glorious colors of fall in my garden. The main colors come from trees and shrubs, with flowers as accessories. The dogwoods are beautiful; and after the leaves have fallen, their red berries will cling to the branches to provide nourishment for the birds.
These corinthian bell wind chimes are hanging from a dogwood tree near the arbor in the lady garden. I have several wind chimes in this area. I still remember the first time I saw a wind chime as a small girl. A friend had one hanging on her front porch. It was made of frosted glass with pastel flowers painted on it, and the tinkling sound it made was fairy music to me. I have loved wind chimes ever since.
Other trees which are radiant this time of year are the Japanese maples. One of my favorites is growing in front of the house. It was about a foot tall when I planted it following the tornado in 1990. A construction worker walked over it when it was still very small.
"Don't do that," I hollered at him. "You are stepping on my tree!"
The man looked down at the twig beneath his feet. "This is a tree?"
It was a tree, and I am glad it survived its infancy. Look at it now.
Japanese maples offer interest year-round. They have undulating form, patterned bark, and seeds that remind me of helicopters. I have a number of them throughout my yard, and this one's fiery fall color is unbeatable. It was an unnamed seedling when I purchased it for less than ten dollars. I think I got a bargain.
Another bargain was the pot of fall mums I bought at a local grocery store a few years ago. I like the pretty straw colored blooms. They have returned each year and have spread to form a ground cover at the base of a crepe myrtle tree. The buds just began to open this week.
I also have to mention euonymus alata, commonly called burning bush. I have planted several along one side of the driveway. I chose them for their stunning fall foliage, and, like dogwoods, their winter berries give sustenance to wildlife.
And finally, here are a couple of today's views through the woodland garden:
Entrance to the woodland garden
Another view of the woodland garden

Reader Comments (5)
absolutely beautiful pictures - where in the states is your garden? - Gloria
Hi Gloria, thanks for stopping by. I am in Helena, Alabama, which is in the southeastern part of the states, zone 7b.
what is the purple tree in pic labeled "entrance to the woodland garden? Lovely!
Hi Reen, thanks for stopping by my blog! The tree is our native dogwood tree, Cornus florida. It has wonderful fall colors that vary through various shades of red. The first tree in this post, with the Corinthian bells in front, is also a dogwood tree.
I can't remember when I started to read your blog, but I know I was here in early 2011. It's always a pleasure to read your posts and see your garden, which is a climate similar to where I grew up in north Georgia.