Entries in daffodils (14)


All Kinds of Glory

The earth reveals all kinds of glory. Azaleas are blooming and Japanese maples have unfurled their brilliant leaves in the front garden. The woodlands are becoming a tapestry of green and white as fresh foliage emerges and dogwood blossoms open. Birds are making babies, my onions are poking up in the vegetable garden, the days are longer, the breezes are exhilerating and good smells permeate the air. Such are the dreams of spring that kept me through winter's dismal clutch on the landscape, and they have finally come true. 

The following scenes greet me as I wander through the garden, taking it all in:This Japanese maple is in the front garden, outside our dining room window.

An April view of the front garden from the patio

Another view of the front garden from the patio

Looking toward the patio from the front lawn

Another view across a portion of the front garden from the front lawn

Looking toward the wooded area next to the arbor garden

Looking across the woodland garden from the front lawn

Dogwoods in the woodlands

Top: Magnolia 'Jane' continues to bloom beautifully, despite last week's brief temperature plunge below freezing. Many of the blooms turned to brown mush, but new ones quickly took their place. Clockwise from above left: Magnolia 'Jane'; Apple 'Red Delicious' blooms; Phlox subulata grows behind an unidentified wildflower;Trillium cuneatum, also called Sweet Betsy.

The last daffodils of spring. Did you see the tiny hover fly in the top photo?

Mockingbirds are nesting in this rustic birdhouse in the front garden. The evergreen tree in the background is Cryptomeria japonica.

Spring was a long time coming this year, but I doubt that means the same of summer with its high humidity and heat. Meanwhile, I plan to enjoy every day of this glorious season! 

Note: Pease check out my revised Woodland Garden photo gallery on the sidebar, which includes newly updated woodland garden photos PLUS photos of individual woodland garden plants. Enjoy!


The Signs of Spring

I walk outside and breathe it in. Spring! Composers  through the ages have written sonnets, poems, and ballads describing their feelings about the season. A friend recently sent me this image of someone's emotional expression.You may have seen a similar sign already, but if not, I think you might enjoy it; and I have to say that I feel the same!

Despite continuing cold nights, the days are warmer and spring is rolling in with new flowers appearing daily. Each morning I can't wait to get out there to see what is happening in the garden. I especially like to examine the little blooms, the ones that make you pause and take a closer look.

Amelanchier, also called serviceberry, juneberry, and a number of other names, is in full bloom.The berries that follow the flowers are delicious, but I may never get more than a handful. I planted this tree for the birds, especially the bluebirds, who love them.

From a distance, Chaenomeles, or flowering quince, packs a powerful punch, but clusters of the small blooms are equally amazing up close.

Masses of Phlox subulata is a common spring-time sight, but the individual little flowers are not common at all:

Hepatica nobilis, with the unfortunate common name of liverwort, is just emerging in the woodland garden.This plant is taking its time becoming well-established, but I love the little blooms.

Below left, Leucojum estivum, or summer snowflake, has dainty white bells that must be appreciated up close, and below right is the funky Corylopsis sinensis, a tall shrub known as winter hazel.

Some other blooms are larger and also deserve attention as I stroll through the garden.Clockwise, from above left: Edgewothia chrysantha; Camellia from a shrub that is over 30 years old; An unusual daffodil, planted about sixty years ago by the original owner of our house; Magnolia 'Jane'

Below left is a bird house that has been a favorite of bluebirds every year. A couple have been busy there recently, and I hoped to get a photo of one, but Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird would not cooperate! The yellow in the background is Forsythia, also called yellow bell. Below right, A stray forsythia branch is blooming in front of a purple pot. The pot contains Carex oshimensis 'Everillo', a brightly colored sedge that is my new favorite plant of the season.

Take a look at a woodland scene that I have featured through every season, because it may soon be changing! My beloved blue bridge has termites! Lou says there is little to be done for it. By next year I will have to replace it. When that happens, I will find a small metal bridge and I doubt it will look the same. But be sure, I will paint the railings turquoise blue!

Finally, as a perfect spring day in the garden comes to a close, I catch the sun setting behind the trees.

May the joy of discovery and the fresh hope of spring always be in your hearts.   Deb