Creature Feature

All creatures have a purpose and a place for being. I sometimes catch stray insects inside my home and, lucky for them, return them to the outside world. Nevertheless, I don't love all creatures and don't regret when some become part of the food chain. Chipmunks, for example, dig holes all over the yard and also raid the bird feeders. I feel no remorse when one of them is caught by the hawk or even the neighbor's cat. Good riddance! There are many more chipmunks, and one less is a good thing.
Now, how can I feel that way about somone so cute? And I am wondering, since this little guy spends a lot of his time tunneling underground: How does he keep his coat so shiny and clean?
On the other hand, it is easy to love the bluebirds. I watch them every day as they work hard to feed their babies in a birdhouse close to the patio. They seem to know us and are not too shy to allow a few photos.
Papa bluebird often stands guard on top of the house, but he also does his share of chow duty:
And today, for the first time, I saw a little head poking out of the birdhouse. It must be getting crowded in there!
While I was sitting on the patio, I became aware of another visitor. This green anole lizard wanted to join me on the lounge chair. He insisted that he is the most handsome of all and wanted me to take his photo, too. What do you think?
I would also like to send out a special thanks to the Redneck Rosarian, who invited me this past week to view his beautiful rose garden. I enjoyed meeting Chris and his wife, Tina. They have a wonderful garden with over a hundred roses! There were creatures in Chris's garden, too, who seemed to appreciate an environment that is good for small critters, as well as humans.
Happy gardening to you all!