Images of Autumn, 2014

Streams of light wash the trees with molten rays, dripping glitter upon the forest floor. It is late October, and autumn is beginning to show her colors. Not fieriness yet, for we are weeks away from peak colors, but the woods have a warm glow that complements the season's cooler air. The days are a refreshment to my soul, and I want to soak them in, remembering each detail in the garden. I am out with my camera often.
This redbud tree is laden with dried seedpods.
Some fall vignettes looked staged, but I photographed them just as I found them:I found this spent Magnolia grandiflora seedpod in an empty pot, one perfect red seed resting in the heart of it.
A fallen feather lies next to a few dogwood berries.
This upside-down mushroom has moss clinging to its stem. I wonder what uprooted it and how it came to rest so perfectly on the ground.
I can not overlook flowers that will bloom right up to the precipice of winter:Clockwise from top left: A new flower head opening on Endless Summer Hydrangea; Close-up of Endless Summer; Rainbow Knockout Rose; Purple Aster; Penelope Rose; Penelope rosebud with some of the bush's fall colors visible in the background; Rosa Mutabilis; Flower Carpet Coral Rose.
A couple of black and white images are a salute to next season:This dried Oakleaf Hydrangea seed head caught my attention. It reminds me of a cluster of butterflies.
An old stump has artistic swirls and crevices.
Will we have another hard winter? I hope not. For now, I cling to day after day of glorious autumn.