Leftover Thanksgiving Banquet

Leftovers from a Thanksgiving banquet are piled in heaps here and there. Stomachs are stuffed, and there is contentment, for the overwhelming abundance promises many meals to come. There will be no hunger when the cold weather arrives.
Tasty, indeed.
Life is good.
Acorns are great, but some might prefer pumpkin pie!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and may you be blessed abundantly throughout the holiday season. Deborah
P.S. Roll Tide!
P.P.S. For those of you who are offended by, or who don't understand the above comment: In our region, college football is a year round passion, and in Alabama most, if not all, babies are born into either the Alabama or Auburn family. I know this is true, because even the tiniest premature infants often own Alabama or Auburn hats, booties, and blankets. This is genetic and usually cannot be undone. Also, many people who move into the state are soon drawn into one or the other football families by association. Although I have been an Alabama Crimson Tide fan since infancy, I am not a fanatic. I always root for Auburn except when they play Alabama. Heck, I will even pull for LSU under certain circumstances.
This is a garden blog, and usually I keep politics, religion, family issues, and football out of it. But on the day of the Iron Bowl, when Alabama meets our greatest rival Auburn, I couldn't help it!