Entries from December 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013


The Best of the Rest 2013

Wow! 2013 is coming to a close, and it is time for this year's 'The Best of the Rest' feature. These are photos taken through the year that for various reasons did not make it onto my blog the first time around, but, nevertheless, deserve a look. I always enjoy going through the THOUSANDS of photos trying to choose appropriate selections for each month, but it is a time consuming task! In the end, the shots are are a good review of the year.

So, drum roll, please! Here they are:

January:Autumn the cat came to us in October, 2012. She disappeared without a trace only a couple months after I took this photo. Although she was with us only a few months, she left us with lasting memories. We still miss her. If you love cats, or if you hate cats, and if you haven't already done so, you should read my previous post A Cat Tale.

February:Clockwise from top left: Cheery daffodil; Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake); Trollius; Hellebore.

March:Early spring in the woodland garden

Deodar cedar 'Feelin' Blue' is one of my favorites, and I have featured it in many of my blog posts. One more time won't hurt!

April:Looking like a hairy newborn alien, an Autumn Fern frond unfurls.

Woodland garden, early April, 2013.

This old urn belonged to my grandparents.




August:Red banana plant in the front garden; everything has a golden glow in August.

September:Clockwise from top left: Variegated pittisporum and wood aster; Coneflower; Plectranthus; Rosa mutabilis.

October:Clockwise from upper left: Entrance to lower woodland garden; Ipomoea fistulosa (Bush morning-glory); One of several birdhouse in the front garden; Little Heartleaf ginger.


December:Clockwise from top: Edgeworthia crysanthia buds are swelling; Collard greens are Lou's favorite; these were just picked from our garden; Nandina berries.

I hope you enjoyed the photos! Did you have a favorite month? Best wishes to everyone for a very Happy New Year!  Deb


Winter in Small Doses

The sun is out today, after days of dreary, cold weather. I am glad, as I can only take the gloom for so long before I start getting grumpy. I like winter in small doses. When I look at the overall landscape here, there is not much about it that appeals to me. There is no beautiful snow, just grays and browns for the eye to see, with some evergreens that provide relief. 

Nevertheless, when I look closely there is plenty out in the garden that is interesting to me:

There are still leaves that cling:Acer palmatum 'Orangeola'

Clockwise from top: Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'; Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'; Cornus florida

And leaves that are evergreen:Clockwise from top left: Acuba japonica 'Variegata'; Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus'; Epimedium; Autumn fern with spores.

Here are some pot shots:

A frog on a log:

And wood that rots:

A stone stairway and a rabbit:


Bright red berries:Clockwise from left: Yaupon holly(Ilex vomitoria 'Pendula'); Nandina domestica; Acuba japonica.

Dueling twigs:

And chimes that sound merry:

May you take time in this busy season to appreciate the little blessings that are so easy to overlook.  Deb