Easy Birdhouse Renovation
Monday, January 28, 2013 at 6:45PM
Deborah Elliott in birdhouse, birdhouse predator guard, birdhouse renovation, garden ornaments

The birdhouse in the upper woodland garden has been in need of renovation for more than a year. The paint was faded and chipping away, and, even worse, a squirrel had eaten away at the hole until the house offered little protection to nestlings. I liked the charm of the old birdhouse and did not want to just chuck it. So I was happy when I saw a predator guard online that would cover the damaged edges of the hole. An easy installation of the new predator guard and a quick paint job was all it took to restore the birdhouse to usefulness:Top two photos show squirrel damage and fading paint on birdhouse. The predator guard does a good job of restoring the original size of the hole, and I think it adds to the charm of the birdhouse.

Hopefully, a new generation of birds will soon find a safe home in the newly refurbished house.

Article originally appeared on Deb's Garden Blog (http://debsgarden.squarespace.com/).
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