Japanese Maples at Autumn's End
Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 5:30PM
Deborah Elliott in Japanese maples, fall, fall colors, fall foliage, fall garden, trees

It is not too cold outside, but it looks like it should be. Rain earlier in the week knocked many leaves to the earth, where they lay in sodden, though often colorful layers. The atmosphere forebodes of barren trees and the icy breath of winter, and already a fire blazes in our hearth against the chill.

Japanese maples are in their final flush of autumn splendor, even as leaves are falling to the ground. These trees are fabulous throughout the year, and I am reminded once again why I love them. There is almost too much saturated color, but I drink it in, against the dreariness of the coming season.

I can't imagine my garden without Japanese maples. There are many cultivars with different types of leaves and growth patterns. I am fortunate that my garden can accommodate a nice variety, but if ever I move to a tiny house with a tiny garden, I still will need to have at least one! 


For general information about Japanese maples read Japanese Maples in my Garden, and if you are still hungry for fall photos of Japanese maples you may enjoy last year's post, Brilliant Japanese Maples.

Article originally appeared on Deb's Garden Blog (http://debsgarden.squarespace.com/).
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